CAMSCORP is a U.S.-based, Internationally focused business that principally works in commodities, agricultural processing, financing ventures and renewable energy. The company has three divisions: Commodities, Ventures and Advisory. Commodities: ships products from dedicated supply chains to all the continents of the World. Ventures: funds, develops and manages new and growing business Internationally. Advisory: provides fee based advice on strategy, growth and logistics.

CAMSCORP works globally but has a specific focus on development work in Africa. In Africa Commodities and Ventures divisions work to create and establish long term, robust and sustainable supply chains often with local partners. Ventures also targets growth sectors and has a significant presence in agricultural processing, and example would be Efugo Extractive Industries in Nigeria. Advisory has provided services to some of the Worlds biggest companies for a number of years on marketing, logistics, commodities and fund raising.

CAMSCORP Solar is a subsidiary of Ventures and oversees and is responsible for development of all company solar assets in the Americas region. CAMSCORP Solar has advanced plans to develop a significant portfolio of solar power generation assets initially in Virginia, USA. The owners and managers of CAMSCORP Solar have over 500MW solar development experience in Europe and Africa, from project inception through to trade sale.



We are not interested in short term opportunism in development of commodity products.

We develop long term, deep relationships with suppliers, communities and countries. As such, where possible, we give back to communities by providing funds, school books, or other support from our profits. We have also supported LendWithCare African projects for many years.

Any investment, no matter how small, in a supply chain or a business is driven by our defined impact investing goals and we place specific focus on environmental best practice, more details on this are available on request.